
Code of Conduct

The guidelines below govern the publication of, and commentary on the EHA Hematology Hub. Please read through them before participating. 1. Abide by the rules that normally apply.

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The European Hematology Association (EHA) announces an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for PCO services for the EHA Annual Congress

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is pleased to inform the conference and meeting community that it will release an Invitation To Tender (ITT) for the appointment of a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) for the EHA Congress in 2023.

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Abstract Submission & Travel Grant Application

Late Poster Submission is now closed.

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For mentors

When discussing this career development opportunity with your associates, please keep in mind that applicants with the same mentor are eligible to apply. However, no more than ONE participant from a specific mentor will be selected.

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Highlights from the SWG

On November 24, 2022, the SWG on Red Cells and Iron held its annual Business meeting virtually which was chaired by Prof. Ali Taher and Prof. Achille Iolascon.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects: From Basic Science to Clinical Case Application

Dates: October 12-14, 2023
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Chairs: A Taher & A Iolascon
Collaborating SWG: EHA Specialized Working Group on Red Cells and Iron

 Registration is closed

RegistrationRegistration is closed. Visit this page for more information.

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Position of EHA on the Harmonization of Training and Education in Europe


The challenge
Education and training are largely national competencies.

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Current status of the Clinical Trials Regulation

HemAffairs Article #2 – June 2019

In 2014 the European Parliament approved the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) that is supposed to replace the Clinical Trials Directive (CTD) from 2001. Five years later, the regulation has not yet become applicable.

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