
La Cantera coaching

Disease-orientated training courses for young clinicians and researchers, inspired by a world-renowned football academy model. Call for interest from SWGs
In 2025, EHA will fund an additional course based on the La Cantera model.

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Aging and Hematology

The SWG "Aging and Hematology" has four main goals for the next four years (2019-2023):

To share clinically useful tools in assessing frailty and comorbidities in older adults with hematologic malignancies.

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EU projects

Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration. #bigdataforbloodcancer: Accelerating Better and Faster Treatment for Patients with Hematologic Malignancies.

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Nobel prize goes to immunotherapy researchers

October 1, Sweden - Cancer kills millions of people every year and is one of humanity’s greatest health challenges.

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Sanquin Blood Supply will culture erythrocytes for transfusion purposes

ABO-Rh-D matched transfusions result in alloimmunisation in 3-5% of recipients. Once allo-immunized, it may become very difficult to find appropriate donor erythrocytes, especially when multiple antibodies or rare combinations of antibodies are present.

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World Cancer Day 2013

World Cancer Day 2013 - Global Press Release


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International CML adherence survey launched

The drivers behind non-adherence, a highly prevalent problem in oral cancer treatments but also in many other diseases like diabetes, are not well understood to date.

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