
Faculty information

We are honored that you have agreed to be part of the faculty for the EHA Research Conference "Transcriptional control and chromatin alterations in normal and abnormal hematopoiesis", scheduled to take place in Málaga, Spain, on March 17-20, 2025.

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Hans Erik Johnsen 1948-2018

On May 17, 2018, just after his 70th birthday, Hans Erik Johnsen passed away. Hans Johnsen was Professor of Clinical Hematology at the Department of Hematology at Aalborg University in Denmark.

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I would like to renew my EHA membership

Renew your EHA membership to ensure that you will be able continue enjoying your membership benefits all year round.

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Genetic Predisposition to Blood Cancer (Rare diseases)

The objectives of the group are:

Share and extend clinical knowledge on the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic malignancies with germline predisposition.

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Welcome to YoungEHA!As a junior member of EHA, you are part of the YoungEHA family.

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Faculty Information

We are honored that you have agreed to be a part of the faculty for the EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial – Recent Advances in Lymphoid and Myeloid Malignancies, scheduled to be held on September 14-15, 2024 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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Specialized Working Group Grants

EHA provides financial support to small research projects initiated by our specialized working groups (SWGs).

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The European Hematology Association (EHA), a dedicated community of healthcare professionals, who work tirelessly "Towards prevention, cure, and quality of life for all patients with blood disorders", expresses its deep concern and sorrow over the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis…

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