
Registration & Accommodation

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Registration fee includes:

Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Networking opportunities during breaks and welcome reception
Catering during meeting hours incl.

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Publication of EHA Annual General Meeting 2024 minutes

The 2024 EHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place in the vibrant city of Madrid, Spain, on June 14, 2024. Scheduled on Friday during the EHA Annual Congress, the meeting was once more in a hybrid format.

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Saturday, June 15, 2024 - Presidential Session I

Conducting multinational RCTs in pregnancy to improve maternal health in thrombosis: it CAN be done   

Prof.  Saskia Middeldorp, The Netherlands

Targeting the epigenome in lymphoma 


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Chairs and Members

ChairPaolo Gresele, Department of Medicine, Section of Internal and Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy)

Vice-ChairTo be announced.

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SWG Educational Activities

MeetingsSession on thrombocytopenias and platelet function disordersAt the EHA 2023 Congress, we held a session on ‘Thrombocytopenias and platelet function disorders: Recent developments and perspectives in immune thrombocytopenia.

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Tools and Overview Tables

EHA2023 session on COVID-19 and influenzaThe SWG suggested the above session, which was held during the EHA 2023 Hybrid Congress. Full titleCOVID-19 and influenza in patients with hematological malignancies.

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Chairs and Members

Chair (2017-ongoing)Oliver A. Cornely—University Hospital Cologne, Cologne (Germany)

Co-chair (2023-ongoing)Livio Pagano—Fondazione Policlinico A.

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Outcome of COVID-19 in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients: Results from the EPICOVIDEHA registry
Busca A, Salmanton-García J, Marchesi F, et al. Front Immunol 2023; 14: 1125030.

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SWG Educational Activities

Social and public EHA-related activitiesX/Twitter accountThe SWG on Infections in Hematology has an account on X (formerly known as Twitter). Our name on X is @EHAInfectionsH1.

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