
Registration & accommodation

Registration is closed. The EHA-EBMT 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting provides opportunities for students, trainees, nurses and others to join the meeting for a discounted fee.

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Travel Grants

Application for a travel grant closed on August 29

Travel grants are intended to support young investigators; therefore, applicants should be 36 years of age or young and are reserved for applicants from upper-middle, lower-middle, and low-income countries.

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EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting

EHA and SfPM (Society for Functional Precision Medicine) are proud to present the first joint meeting on Precision Medicine.

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Position of EHA on the Harmonization of Training and Education in Europe


The challenge
Education and training are largely national competencies.

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Quality of Life and Symptoms

The goals of the SWG are:

To promote the evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in hematology in daily clinical practice and in clinical trials.

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Evaluation of a single 1.000 mg iron dose as ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) for fatigue treatment in Iron deficient women – PREFER

Fatigue and iron deficiency are prevalent among women of childbearing age. This randomised, placebo-controlled study evaluated the effect of a single intravenous 1.

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Lymphomas from A to Z

Nineteen countries from 3 continents were represented during the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Rare Lymphomas on March 10-12, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.

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EHA-LSHBT Virtual Hematology Updates

EHA and the Lebanese Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (LSHBT) have initiated a webinar course dedicated to practitioners who manage patients with benign and hematologic malignancies.

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