
What to expect

FacultyThe faculty is made up of international leaders in clinical hematology research, statisticians, experts in regulatory and ethical aspects of clinical research and more.

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About us

The European Hematology Association (EHA): “Towards prevention, cure, and quality of life for all patients with blood disorders”.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 2021 - report

The sixth HOPE MENA, with highlights of the EHA Annual Congress, successfully concluded September 23-24. Fully virtual for the second year in a row, the program was compiled together with eight regional partner societies.

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Original scientific publications
Lymphopenia confers poorer prognosis in Myelodysplastic Syndromes with very low and low IPSS-M
Fandrei D, Huynh T, Sébert M, Aguinaga L, Bisio V, Kim R, Clappier E, Espéli M, Balabanian K, Moins-Teisserenc H, Toubert A, Dulphy N, Fenaux…

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EHA Outreach Program

On this page, you will find the Travel Grant Program for the EHA Outreach meetings 2023. The aim of the program is to make meetings accessible for the hematology community across the world.

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SWG Educational Activities

Social and public EHA-related activitiesX/Twitter accountThe SWG on Infections in Hematology has an account on X (formerly known as Twitter). Our name on X is @EHAInfectionsH1.

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EHA-Balkan Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies

“EHA and the Albanian Association of Hematology have jointly decided to postpone the first EHA-Balkan Hematology Tutorial in response to a request from the Albanian government to limit all international meetings.

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EHA24, another successful congress

More than 12,000 hematology professionals from around the world met together in Amsterdam, The Netherlands for the 24th European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress.

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