
PRESS RELEASE: The future of research in hematology is here

“For the first time, hematologists in Europe came together to develop a roadmap to guide hematology research in Europe” says Professor Andreas Engert, chair of the EHA Research Roadmap Task Force, “Hematology in Europe has achieved a lot, but the discipline must focus and…

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HemaSphere, the Official Journal of the European Hematology Association, Receives Its First Impact Factor

The Hague, June 2022 - HemaSphere, the official peer-reviewed journal of the European Hematology Association (EHA), has received its first Journal Impact Factor™. The preliminary 2021 Journal Impact Factor for HemaSphere is 8.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Acquired Aplastic Anemia

EHA & the EHA Scientific Working Group on Granulocyte and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes are happy to announce their recent collaboration in organizing a virtual meeting program on Acquired Aplastic Anemia.

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Experience With IVDR Implementation in Three Diagnostic Laboratories: Messages to EU Health Institutions, Diagnostic Healthcare Payers, and Authorities
Lubbers BR, Dombrink I, Kalina T, Hofmans M, Bruun MS, Stanworth SJ, Béné MC, Döhner K, Brüggemann M, Macintyre E, van Dongen JJM.…

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Meeting Report: European School of Haematology International Conference of Haematological Disorders in the Elderly

The meeting started by reviewing demographic aspects, physiological changes encountered in the elderly, as well as the definition of older and elderly people, frailty and comorbidity.

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Call for interest

As a member of an EHA committee or taskforce, you’ll be instrumental in taking our ambitions to the next level.

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EMA Issues Call for Expressions of Interest for Drug Safety Studies

The purpose of this call is to enable the EMA to obtain fast and reliable answers to questions on safety or benefit/risk concerns, and ultimately facilitating regulatory decision-making.

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EHA Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Course programme

April 10, 202414:00–17:30: Red Cell and ConsultativeWelcome and presentation of the course.  Aims, expectations, and a brief look back. Presenters and topics
M. de Montalembert: Difficult management problems in sickle cell disease
M. D.

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