
Quality of Life and Symptoms

The goals of the SWG are:

To promote the evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in hematology in daily clinical practice and in clinical trials.

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Acute Myeloid Leukemia

The AML SWG represents a group of national and internationally renowned clinical and research experts working in the field of AML.

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European Working Group for Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (EWALL)

The specialized working group on adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (EWALL) consists mainly of the members of the EWALL group, which is the European Working Group for Adult ALL, and which includes the leaders of the national ALL study groups in Europe.…

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EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial

EHA is joining the Kazakhstan Cancer Society (KCS) to organize the EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial on Recent Advances in Lymphoid and Myeloid Malignancies.

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