
Report VIRTUAL EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy

This scientific meeting was organized together with the EHA Scientific Working Group on Immune Therapies for Hematological Disorders.

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Meet Eva Hellström-Lindberg, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
These days I am not as involved in EHA as I used to be, besides the various services when asked for, which I think is how it should…

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Meet Eva Hellström-Lindberg, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
These days I am not as involved in EHA as I used to be, besides the various services when asked for, which I think is how it should…

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Research trainings

Old ways won't open new doors. Via non-pecuniary awards, EHA strives to accelerate the careers of promising post-docs in translational or clinical research.

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Meeting report | HOPE ASIA 2019 Kolkata

The first edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) in Asia was held in Kolkata, India and was a great success.

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Recap: European Affairs and Hematology at EHA2024

As at previous congresses, the European Affairs track at EHA2024 offered opportunities to learn, exchange, and connect.

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Register here

The registration fee for the ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference: Bone Marrow Failure and Leukaemia Predisposition Syndromes is:
– 600€ for fully trained
– 300€ for in-training *
– 300€ Allied Health Professionals
– 600€ for Corporate
*A proof will be requested to confirm your status.…

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Challenging the safety of conformity: Better poster design to disseminate scientific knowledge fast

“Congratulations – your abstract was accepted for the upcoming EHA congress”.

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EHA Congratulates EHA Kick-Off Grant 2021 Winners

The Hague, January 3, 2022  –EHA Congratulates seven talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of an EHA Kick-Off Grant 2021 after a rigorous selection process.

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