
EBAH Certified Meetings

In this page, you will find hematology-related meetings which are either EBAH-certified or from partners of EHA. You can choose to see meetings per year or category in the menus below.

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Non-EHA Funding Opportunities

Here you will find other interesting funding opportunities for European researchers in hematology. If you are interested in adding additional opportunities to this page, please contact research@ehaweb. org.

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Hematology Jobs

In this section of the EHA website, job opportunities within the field of hematology are posted, when available. Regulations

Service meant for hematologists and related disciplines.

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Scientific Meetings

The EHA-SWG Scientific Meetings have been developed as a joint effort of the EHA Specialized Working Groups (SWGs) and EHA to intensify the beneficial collaboration.

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Research & Mentoring

One of EHA’s key pillars is investing in future leaders in hematology.

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Report Drug Shortages to EHA

In an effort to mitigate shortages of hematologic drugs in Europe, EHA is collecting and compiling reports of shortages. Are you experiencing, or foreseeing drug shortages in your clinical practice?

Please report those to drugshortage@ehaweb. org.

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