
EHA policy on double awarding

EHA is guided by the concept of supporting as many young investigators/clinicians as possible in their career development. Therefore, double awarding is not allowed. Winning an award excludes the award winner from winning another award while receiving the first.

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Addition of obinutuzumab (GA101) or rituximab to chlorambucil improves outcomes for elderly patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and co-existing medical conditions (comorbidities)

CLL is the most common leukemia in the western world. Many CLL patients are elderly and have comorbidities rendering them ineligible for aggressive standard treatments.

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The HARMONY project: learning to work in BIG (DATA) teams

The HARMONY project: learning to work in BIG (DATA) teams

By Anna Kabanova PhD, YoungEHA committee member

On 26 and 27 September 2019 several YoungEHA members, including myself, had the chance to participate in the 4th General Assembly of the HARMONY Alliance…

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GAPP Joint Action

Joint Actions are projects designed and financed by Member State Authorities and the EU to address specific priorities under the EU Health Program.

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Personalized medicine promises radical improvements to healthcare in Europe

And the precision that personalised medicine will bring good prospects for better use of resources.

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Position of EHA on Access to Medicines


There are many factors that compromise patient access to medicine. First and foremost, for a drug to be available, one has to be developed.

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