
Meeting Program

All times are in GMT-3, local time in Brazil.

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2013 & before

EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Thrombocytopenia and Disorders of Platelet Function
September 27-29, 2013 | Lisbon, Portugal

EHA-ROHS-RSH Tutorial on Bone Marrow Transplantation
July 5-7, 2013 | Saint Petersburg, Russia

EHA Tutorial on Lymphoma
May 24-26, 2013 | Cape Town, South Africa

EHA-TSH Tutorial on Chronic Myeloproliferative…

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Highlights from the SWG

On November 24, 2022, the SWG on Red Cells and Iron held its annual Business meeting virtually which was chaired by Prof. Ali Taher and Prof. Achille Iolascon.

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Aging and Hematology

The SWG "Aging and Hematology" has four main goals for the next four years (2019-2023):

To share clinically useful tools in assessing frailty and comorbidities in older adults with hematologic malignancies.

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