
EHA-AHA Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies

Dates: October 18-20, 2019
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Chairs: G Gaidano, S Danielyan, Y Hakobyan

2019 marks the 3rd time EHA is organizing a tutorial in collaboration with the Armenian Hematology Association (AHA), this time on “Lymphoid Malignancies”.

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EMA Issues Call for Expressions of Interest for Drug Safety Studies

The purpose of this call is to enable the EMA to obtain fast and reliable answers to questions on safety or benefit/risk concerns, and ultimately facilitating regulatory decision-making.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes

The second scientific meeting on EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Disorders and Leukemia Predisposing Genes was held on October 10-12, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.

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European Working Group for Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (EWALL)

The specialized working group on adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (EWALL) consists mainly of the members of the EWALL group, which is the European Working Group for Adult ALL, and which includes the leaders of the national ALL study groups in Europe.…

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Patient Advocacy Committee

Current committee members
Derek Elston, United Kingdom (Chair)
Samantha Nier (Switzerland) (Vice-chair)
Members representing a Patient Advocacy Organization


Acute Leukaemia Advocates Network (ALAN)

Samantha Nier

CCI Europe

Anita Kienesberger

CLL Advocates Network (CLLAN)

Pierre Aumont

CML Advocates Network

Jan Geissler

European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis (EFAPH)

Dag Erling Stavik

European Haemophilia…

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting “Developing a research agenda for transfusion in Europe”

On September 15-17, 2022, the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting “Developing a research agenda for transfusion in Europe” was successfully held at the Occidental Praha hotel in Prague, Czechia.

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New EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) comes into effect

On May 26, 2022, the new EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) came into effect, mandating stricter and more comprehensive certification and testing protocols for in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

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“Science is all about synergy” - Francesca Vinchi, woman in hematology/EHA volunteer

This Women’s History Month, we are putting the spotlight on women in hematology. One of them is Francesca Vinchi, also an EHA Volunteer.

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Position of EHA on the Harmonization of Training and Education in Europe


The challenge
Education and training are largely national competencies.

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Urgent action needed to avoid widespread shortage of in-vitro diagnostic tests

In a new statement, BioMed Alliance highlights its increasing concern about the availability of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) testing devices in Europe.

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