
SWG Educational Activities

MeetingsSession on thrombocytopenias and platelet function disordersAt the EHA 2023 Congress, we held a session on ‘Thrombocytopenias and platelet function disorders: Recent developments and perspectives in immune thrombocytopenia.

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Position of EHA on Research Funding


The challenge
The cost of biomedical research is great, but the cost of disease is immense. An ageing population and expensive innovations in medicine put an increasing burden on already stressed healthcare budgets.

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The European Hematology Association (EHA), a dedicated community of healthcare professionals, who work tirelessly "Towards prevention, cure, and quality of life for all patients with blood disorders", expresses its deep concern and sorrow over the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis…

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EHA-HKSH Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies

Dates: April 25-26, 2020 
Location: Hong Kong
Chairs: G Gaidano, J Gribben, MF Law

In 2020 EHA will co-organize the first Hematology Tutorial in Hong Kong, together with the Hong Kong Society of Haematology (HKSH).

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EHA-IRSTH-IPHOS-SHRC Hematology Tutorial



In 2020 EHA will co-organize the 2nd Hematology Tutorial in Iran.

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T2EVOLVE: breakthrough alliance boosting Europe to the forefront of cancer immunotherapy

This press release is originally found here: http://prn. to/2YF7Js3

THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- T2EVOLVE is a new breakthrough alliance of academic and industry leaders in cancer immunotherapy under the European Union's Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting "Patient-centered Geriatric Hematology"

EHA & the EHA Scientific Working Group on Hematology and Aging are happy to announce their recent collaboration in organizing a virtual meeting program providing delegates with the latest insights in the field of geriatric hematology, presented by leading hematologists.

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Nobel prize goes to immunotherapy researchers

October 1, Sweden - Cancer kills millions of people every year and is one of humanity’s greatest health challenges.

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