
EHA Congratulates the 2021 Bilateral Collaborative Grant Winners

The Hague, April 25, 2022 –EHA congratulates four talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of the inaugural EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.

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Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional QualificationsThe future of the Harmonisation of the Haematology Curriculum in Europe

On the occasion of the meeting, there was unanimous support for the

“Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications” that follows:

The mobility of haematology trainees is of the utmost importance.

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Position of EHA on Access to Medicines


There are many factors that compromise patient access to medicine. First and foremost, for a drug to be available, one has to be developed.

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Chairs and Members

ChairProf Dr Carlo Dufour, Gaslini Children’s Research Hospital, Genova (Italy)

Co-chairProf Dr Helen Papadaki, Institution University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete (Greece)

SWG Executive Board members
Kim De Keersmaecker, University of Leuven (Belgium)
Francesca Fioredda, G.

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Sanquin Blood Supply will culture erythrocytes for transfusion purposes

ABO-Rh-D matched transfusions result in alloimmunisation in 3-5% of recipients. Once allo-immunized, it may become very difficult to find appropriate donor erythrocytes, especially when multiple antibodies or rare combinations of antibodies are present.

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Highlights from the SWG

SWG Committee meetingsIn 2023, the SWG Committee held meetings on:

February 21, 2023—online
April 6, 2023—in The Hague
June 8, 2023—at the EHA Congress 2023 in Frankfurt
In addition, an SWG Chairs and Committee Meeting was held on September 29, 2023, in The Hague.…

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EHA-AAH Balkan Hematology Tutorial 2022

EHA is joined forces with the Albanian Association of Hematology (AAH) to organize the EHA-AAH Balkan Hematology Tutorial.

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Curriculum-Exam Committee

Current committee members
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Chair)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Vice-Chair)
Alicia Rovó, Switzerland (National Society representative)
Regular members
Gunnar Birgegård, Sweden 
Janaki Brolin, Sweden
Carlos Fernández de Larrea, Spain 
Mahesh Prahladan, United Kingdom 
AimTo promote harmonization in hematology training and education in Europe and beyond…

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Connecting experts on inherited anemias and iron defects in Budapest

October 12-14, 2023 – Budapest, Hungary 

Meeting Chairs: 
Ali Taher, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon 

Achille Iolascon, University Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy 

In October 2023 EHA and the Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Red Cell and Iron hosted a…

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Evidence and policy to ensure good clinical practice

Interview with Vinay Prasad MD MPH by Heiko Becker MD, on behalf of YoungEHA

Leaders in the field that have the potential to make a difference, that challenge the way we are doing things, who push our perspective out of our…

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