
Quality of Life and Symptoms

The goals of the SWG are:

To promote the evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in hematology in daily clinical practice and in clinical trials.

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EHA in EU-funded project on voluntary plasma collection capacity in Europe

EHA to participate in an EU-funded project on “Strengthening voluntary non-remunerated plasma collection capacity in Europe” (SUPPLY)

Context: Plasma shortage 

Plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs) are used to treat a variety of rare, chronic, and potentially life-threatening conditions including immune deficiencies, immune-mediated peripheral…

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Call for urgent action on medicine shortages in Europe

Medicine shortages are an increasing problem across Europe, posing a severe threat to patient outcomes and patient safety. In a new position paper the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) presents nine recommendations for addressing the shortages crisis.

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Pivotal Ruxolitinib Data Shows Promise for Patients with PV.


Polycythemia vera (PV) is a chronic, incurable blood cancer with limited treatment options. If uncontrolled, PV can cause serious cardiovascular complications, such as stroke and heart attack.

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Sanquin Blood Supply will culture erythrocytes for transfusion purposes

ABO-Rh-D matched transfusions result in alloimmunisation in 3-5% of recipients. Once allo-immunized, it may become very difficult to find appropriate donor erythrocytes, especially when multiple antibodies or rare combinations of antibodies are present.

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