
Meet Irene Roberts, our September volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I joined EHA in 2003 and shortly afterwards I was lucky enough to be elected as a member of the EHA Board.

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Meet Ton Hagenbeek, our May volunteer of the month

Anton Hagenbeek began as EHA Volunteer when EHA was only starting out. Below you will read more about his motivations and invites fresh blood to support the organization.

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Meet Ton Hagenbeek, our May volunteer of the month

Anton Hagenbeek began as EHA Volunteer when EHA was only starting out. Below you will read more about his motivations and invites fresh blood to support the organization.

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Meet Antonio Almeida, our February Volunteer of the Month

EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.

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Meet Antonio Almeida, our February Volunteer of the Month

EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.

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Meet Fabienne Lucas, our January Volunteer of the Month

EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.

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Meet Fabienne Lucas, our January Volunteer of the Month

EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.

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Code of Conduct

The guidelines below govern the publication of, and commentary on the EHA Hematology Hub. Please read through them before participating. 1. Abide by the rules that normally apply.

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