
Would you sell Peripheral Blood derived Stem Cells?

There are many things that are different in the United States of America (USA) and Europe. Some of these differences are in favour of society in the USA and some in Europe.

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How can I start contributing?

Getting started is easy! Here are a few good-to-know tips, that will help you navigate the different aspects of the EHA Hub.

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What to expect

FacultyThe faculty is made up of international leaders in clinical hematology research, statisticians, experts in regulatory and ethical aspects of clinical research and more.

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CME-European Accreditors: A New European CME/CPD Association

A new association of accrediting boards in Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development in Europe has been established.

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Hematology in the spotlight at EAPM Presidency Conference

April 9, Brussels - The European Alliance for Personalised Medicine is holding its 7th annual presidency conference at the University Foundation in Brussels, and the event will include a session on Hematology - Personalised treatment and personalised prevention.

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Mutiple Myeloma at the 19th Congress of the European Hematology Association: What is new?

During the meeting, recently developed approaches for diagnosis and monitoring will be presented. Gene-expression-profiling to detect molecular subgroups with a different prognosis and high-throughput-sequencing to identify new genetic lesions will be discussed.

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The European Hematology Association (EHA), a dedicated community of healthcare professionals, who work tirelessly "Towards prevention, cure, and quality of life for all patients with blood disorders", expresses its deep concern and sorrow over the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis…

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Ukraine Bridge Funding - information for applicants

The EHA Ukraine Bridge Funding Program is a 1-year non-clinical funding opportunity for Ukrainian hematologists and researchers in hematology (see press release here), now in collaboration with the American Society of Hematology, which will participate in funding and the selection…

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Practical information

When do the meetings take place?The Spring Course will take place from 07-14 March 2025 in France. The first follow-up meeting will take place during the EHA2025 Congress from 12 – 15 June 2025.

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