
Highlights from the SWG

Project groupsPan-European Transfusion Research infrAstructure (PETRA) projectThe European Blood Alliance has provided funding for a health science data project entitled: ‘Towards a Pan-European Transfusion Research infrAstructure (PETRA).

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EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias

EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.

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Leading Medical Organizations Join Forces Globally to Launch First-Ever World Thrombosis Day

“We must reduce the burden from thrombosis if we are to achieve the World Health Assembly’s global target of reducing mortality from premature non-communicable disease by 25 percent by 2025,” said Gary Raskob, Ph. D.

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How can I start contributing?

Getting started is easy! Here are a few good-to-know tips, that will help you navigate the different aspects of the EHA Hub.

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Code of Conduct

The guidelines below govern the publication of, and commentary on the EHA Hematology Hub. Please read through them before participating. 1. Abide by the rules that normally apply.

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EHA-HSHT Joint Membership

Join EHA and HSHT to receive up to €50 discount on your membershipThe European Hematology Association (EHA) and the Hungarian Society of Hematology and Transfusion (HSHT) - Magyar Hematológiai és Transzfuziológiai Társaság – MHTT, have joined forces to offer joint membership to…

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HemaSphere - the official open access journal of EHAHemaSphere is the official open access, peer-reviewed journal of EHA, supporting hematology researchers by offering a fast and constructive review process and low publication fees.

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Precision Hematology

Definition: SWG-Precision Hematology focus on precision medicine for malignant hematology.

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Highlights from the SWG

The SWG:

Was involved with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on shortages—as part of our policy and regulatory work
Participated in the EMA Healthcare Professionals Policy Officers' Group (HCP POG) review of the ‘Frailty and Older People: Considerations in Medicine Development and…

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